General Conference Chairs | |
Prof. Dr. Ljiljana Trajkovic IEEE Fellow Simon Fraser University, Canada | |
Ljiljana Trajkovic received the Dipl. Ing. degree from the University of Pristina, Yugoslavia, the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering and computer engineering from Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of California at Los Angeles. She is currently a professor in the School of Engineering Science, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. Her research interests include communication networks and dynamical systems. She served as IEEE Division X Delegate/Director and President of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society and the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society. Dr. Trajkovic serves as Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems and Associate Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Open Journal of Systems Engineering. She is a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Circuits and System Society and the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society and a Fellow of the IEEE. | |
Prof. Mohan Lal Kolhe IEEE Senior Member University of Agder, Norway | |
Prof. Dr. Mohan Lal Kolhe is a full professor in smart grid and renewable energy at the Faculty of Engineering and Science of the University of Agder (Norway). He is a leading renewable energy technologist with three decades of academic experience at the international level and previously held academic positions at the world's prestigious universities, e.g., University College London (UK / Australia), University of Dundee (UK); University of Jyvaskyla (Finland); Hydrogen Research Institute, QC (Canada); etc. In addition, he was a member of the Government of South Australia’s first Renewable Energy Board (2009-2011) and worked on developing renewable energy policies. Professor Kolhe is an expert evaluator of many prestigious international research councils (e.g., European Commission: Erasmus+ Higher Education – International Capacity Building, Royal Society London (UK), Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC UK), Cyprus Research Foundation, etc.). In addition, many international organizations have invited him to deliver keynote addresses, expert lectures, workshops, etc. He has also been a member of many academic promotional committees. Professor Kolhe has been successful in obtaining competitive research funding from prestigious research bodies (such as the Norwegian Research Council, EU, EPSRC, BBSRC, NRP, etc.) for his work on sustainable energy systems. His work on energy systems and electrical & electronic engineering has been recognised in the top 2% of scientists worldwide consistently from 2020 to 2023, according to Stanford University matrices based on Elsevier data. His top 10 publications have received an average of more than 200 citations each, making him an acknowledged pioneer in his profession on a global scale. | |
Technical Program Committee Chairs | |
![]() | Prof. Shaohua Luo IEEE Member Guizhou University, China |
Shaohua Luo is currently a Professor at the School of Mechanical Engineering, Guizhou University. He is a provincial outstanding young scientific and technological talents, leader of provincial university innovation research group, special invited expert of ‘Enterprise Innovation Post’ and academic leader of Guizhou University. My research interests include the dynamics analysis of special electromechanical systems and network, analog circuit design and intelligent control, adaptive and optimal controls, application of artificial intelligence technology in electromechanical systems. In recent years, I have presided over several research projects supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China, and participated in several research works such as the National 863 Program and the National Natural Science Foundation of China, e.g., key projects, general projects and international (regional) cooperation and exchange projects. Some theoretical and application achievements have been made in key science and technology such as intelligent manufacturing, autonomous intelligent system, high-performance electromechanical drive system and equipment. I have published 50 research papers in authoritative academic journals at home and abroad, acquired 22 authorized invention patents including four British invention patents and one America invention patents, did the transformation of two invention patents, and served as the director of innovation research group of provincial universities and key projects of ESI potential discipline promotion plan of Guizhou University. Meanwhile I have won the second prize of Excellence, and relevant research results have been positively cited by well-known experts in this field. | |
![]() | Prof. Yang Yue IEEE Senior Member Xi'an Jiaotong University, China |
Yang Yue received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering and optics from Nankai University, China, in 2004 and 2007, respectively. He received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Southern California, USA, in 2012. He is a Professor with the School of Information and Communications Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China. Dr. Yue’s current research interest is intelligent photonics, including optical communications, optical perception, and optical chip. He has published over 260 journal papers (including Science) and conference proceedings with >10,000 citations, six edited books, two book chapters, >60 issued or pending patents, >200 invited presentations (including 1 tutorial, >30 plenary and >50 keynote talks). Dr. Yue is a Fellow of SPIE, a Senior Member of IEEE and Optica. He is an Associate Editor for IEEE Access and Frontiers in Physics, Editor Board Member for four other scientific journals, Guest Editor for >10 journal special issues. He also served as Chair or Committee Member for >100 international conferences, Reviewer for >70 prestigious journals. | |
Publication Chairs | |
![]() | Prof. Goh Hui Hwang AAET Fellow, IET Fellow, IEEE Senior Member Guangxi University, China |
Ir. Dr. Goh Hui Hwang is a practising electrical consultant and Registered Electrical Energy Manager. His technical interests and expertise include electrical engineering, power systems, renewable and sustainable energy, embedded power generation, wavelet analysis, load shedding, and data mining. Since 2008, Ir. Goh has been dedicating his profession to leading various research projects, putting his main focus on fostering innovation, development, and testing of new technologies that can be used to address sustainable energy issues in the developing world. He has won medals from many international expos, for the significant contributions of his innovations to the progress and welfare of the community. On top of his academic leadership, Ir. Goh further contributes to the promoting and fostering of the development of science, engineering and technology as an Associate of the Academy of Science Malaysia. He is a member of the Senior Evaluation Panel for Engineering Accreditation Council (EAC) of the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM). Besides, he is also active in The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (Southern Branch) as the Advisor of IEM Student Section UTHM. | |
![]() | Assoc. Prof. Pavel Loskot IEEE Senior Member Zhejiang University, China |
Associate Professor Pavel Loskot has over 25 years of experience in the design, analysis, implementation, and deployment of telecommunication systems through numerous academic and industrial collaborative projects and consultancy contracts. He possesses expert-level knowledge of digital and statistical signal processing, algorithms, and methods, as well as a solid background in applied probability and statistics. Additionally, he is an avid Linux programmer and user since 1996. In 2014/2015, as a Visiting Researcher at CSRC of the Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics, he began working on computational molecular biology. From 1999 to 2001, he served as a Research Scientist and Project Manager at CWC in Oulu, Finland. Furthermore, Dr. Loskot is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy of the UK and a Recognised Research Supervisor of the UK Council for Graduate Education. He has been a Senior Member of the IEEE since 2013. | |
Organizing Committees | |
A.P. SohrabMisaeid, Beuing Jlaotong University, China. Prof. Anwar P P Abdul Majeed, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia. Prof. Aniruddha Bhattacharjya, CSE Department, KL University. Prof. Deqiang He, Guangxi University, China. Prof. Jian Zhao, Dalian University of Technology,China. Prof. Rongjiang Tang, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, China. Prof. Junxi Bi, Inner Mongolia University of Technology, China. Prof. Xuefeng Chen, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China. Prof. Wei Liu, Nanjing University of Science & Technology, China. | |
Technical Program Committees | |
Prof. Jixiang Gao, Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University, China. Prof. Xuegong Yu, Materials Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, China. Prof. Weihua Dan, Sichuan University, China. Prof. Sirong Yu, China University of Petroleum, China. Prof. Shilu Dai, South China University of Technology, China. Prof. Sheng-Rui Jian, I-Shou University, Taiwan, China. Prof. Mingyang Chen, Jiangsu University, China. Prof. Mingxin Huang, The University of Hong Kong, China. Prof. Feng Wen, Hainan University, China. Prof. Seeram Ramakrishna, National University of Singapore, Singapore. Prof. Weidong Zhu, University of Maryland, USA. Prof. David BASSIR, University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté (UTBM) & Researcher at ENS-CMLA,France. Prof. Seeram Ramakrishna, National University of Singapore, Singapore. A.P. Guanglei Wu, Dalian University of Technology, China. A.P. LIU Erjia, National University of Singapore, Singapore. Dr. Hao Peng, Yangtze Normal University, China. |